5 Ways to Lower Your AC Costs This Summer

If you’re like most Pearland homeowners, your energy bill skyrockets every summer because you’re paying so much money to cool your home. And if you’re like most Pearland homeowners, you’re feeling a little cash-strapped right now. 

Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to keep your electric bill under control, and we’re happy to share them! 

#1) Plant Shade Trees

If you can reduce the amount of heat hitting your house, you can reduce the amount of energy you need to cool it. Once upon a time, every yard in the South had an oak tree out front to shade the whole house. If yours doesn’t, it may be time to bring back that tradition.

Of course, you want to be careful about what you plant and where you plant it. Tree roots can spread to damage foundations or pipes. But if you can get even a little bit of sun off your house, then you’ve won half the battle. 

#2) Install Exterior Solar Screens

Exterior solar screens help you keep even more heat out of your home. With the right solar screen or mesh, you can block up to 80% of the sun’s heat! Can you imagine how much less energy it would take to cool your home if you’re blocking 80% of the heat that’s coming into it?

Solar screens are relatively inexpensive and quite attractive when installed correctly. Shop around and find the screens that work for you. 

#3) Install a Smart Thermostat

Constantly adjusting your manual thermostat up and down because you can never seem to get your house to a comfortable temperature? It’s time to consider a smart thermostat.

Smart thermostats maintain a consistent temperature in your home and help even out temperature fluctuations. They also learn your family’s patterns and adjust to avoid wasting energy when you’re in bed, not at home, or when the temperature outside is lower. 

#4) Run  Your Ceiling Fans

We’ve covered ceiling fans and how to use them in the past. A ceiling fan helps your skin feel cooler, which means you can raise your AC temperature by up to 5 degrees without losing any comfort.

Just remember to turn the fans off when you leave the room. Ceiling fans don’t help when you’re not in there to enjoy your manufactured breeze. 

#5) Schedule an AC Tune-Up

ACs in poor repair have to work harder to cool your home, which means they burn more energy to do the job. One of the best ways to ensure you don’t have an inconvenient breakdown or a costly maintenance issue is to schedule your AC tune-up in the spring.

Our technicians take the time to inspect your AC and to make minor repairs to avoid major breakdowns later. We get your system humming along as efficiently as possible so you don’t have to pay as much to cool your home.

Have you scheduled your tune-up yet? If you haven’t, call (713) 433-4380 to get started today.

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